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Renovation and New Build Consultation

Starting a renovation or tackling a new build can be quite daunting. Fixing Spaces can help guide you, give design advice and ensure you feel supported during your entire project.
living space


Lounge / Kitchen / Bathroom / Laundry

  • Fixing Spaces can prepare new 3D layouts to show how minor changes could impact your space.

  • Our team can provide colour consultation and advice with tiles, flooring options and paint.

  • We can help source new products and fittings to bring the feel you want to the space.

  • We can provide support and guidance on furnishing and styling your space, from large furniture items to the smallest decorative pieces.

New Build

Entire home/ New Office Space / Extensions / Mini Houses

  • Fixing Spaces can prepare 3D render of concepts and ideas for your new space.

  • Our team can provide colour consultation and advice with flooring options and paint.

  • Our team can source the unique creative items that you need to make your space feel great.

  • We can also provide consultation around large furniture and smaller decorative pieces – rugs, artwork.


Ready to fix your space?

We are ready to help.

Get in touch