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Fixing Spaces are passionate about taking your space and turning it into one that is unique and inspiring to you.

Renovation and New Build Consultations

Starting a renovation or tackling a new build can be a daunting feeling but at Fixing Spaces our team can help guide and ensure you feel supported during your entire project.

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Home Styling

We provide a home styling service for Ipswich and Brisbane locals to help style one room or your entire property.

We specialise in finding unique items that suit your style, budget and can use your existing pieces to work seamlessly with your vision.

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Commercial Layouts

Does your business need to make a great first impression? We can work with you to create spaces that reflect your business’s brand and values.

We can work on a variety of spaces, including: 

  • Industrial spaces

  • Offices

  • Foyers

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Organise and Declutter

We all spend significant time at home or in the workplace so it’s important to ensure these spaces look great, work well and feel amazing.

We have a dedicated team that specialises in organisation and declutter services.

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Neat desk

Ready to fix your space?

We are ready to help.

Get in touch