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Our process

Fixing Spaces is passionate about taking your space and transforming it into one that is unique and inspiring to you.


Following your enquiry, our team will be in contact with you to arrange a one hour onsite or online meeting . At the meeting we will discuss your space and present initial ideas then shortly afterwards we will provide you with a unique style board and 3D rendered layout highlighting our vision for your space.

Our consultation fee of $300 will be payable prior to the meeting.

Source products

We search far and wide for creative inspiration and our supplier list is always growing as we seek to find the perfect pieces for your project.

We will present you with an itemised quote showcasing everything you’ll need to fix your space.


Deliver and install

We love to see your space transformed and therefore offer delivery and installation of all your furniture and decorative pieces, which will be an option on your quote.

Alternatively you can arrange your own delivery and installation.

For fittings and creative items for building and renovation projects we will arrange with clients to ensure projects run smoothly.

Ready to fix your space?

We are ready to help.

Get in touch